Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This seasons TV shows

I am strange. I don't have cable.
What? You dont have cable? I think it sucks it cost's so damn much. Any who I have been watching broadcast TV which I usually watched anyway. Though I did enjoy Adult Swim every now and then.

I usually had thursday nights off of work. This was so I could watch Smallville, but now I am workin those nights so I missed an episode. So far though, I kind of think the season is good. Jury is still out.

Two shows I never wanted to watch, Lost and Invasion are now part of my mid-week viewing. I am really "lost" on some of Lost. I need to break down and get the 1st season on DVD from my job. And Invasion is pretty freaky and I am hooked. I so wanna know what they heck is going on with these light creatures.

Oh and 24, I never wanted to watch this either. I knew what has gone on to one extent or another, but when FOX did the 2 days 4 hours season premier I got hooks. Go Jack! Go!

Some shows I did love on cable I can no longer watch. The new BSG. This show I was so against when I heard the direction it was going. I broke down and bought the mini-series on DVD and as Matt Dillon said to Ben Stiller in There is Something About Mary, "I kinda like her"

The show is cool. I like it, and it has gone in some directions I did not think they would go. Though I do not like the terrorist angle the show is taking right now. It seems too many shows or movies are now going back to this angle. (I expect the angle on 24 though. What would CTU be without terrorists?)

Other shows I liked on cable. Justice League Unlimited, Teen Titans, Dead Zone, 4400, Almost everything on History Channel. American Chopper, those guys are fun to watch. Robot Chicken, South Park and one of my favorite shows of all... The Venture Brothers!!!!!!!!!!

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